
???? 咱們曉得,EA鴻文《泰坦殞落》現在已經經凋謝Beta測試,而有玩家經由過程闡發游戲的Beta測試客戶端發明了游戲里掃數14張輿圖的名字,和分屏模式的信息。

???? 這14張輿圖的稱號分手為:

Angel City (beta 輿圖) 天使城Fracture (beta 輿圖) 破碎歐博百家樂Colony 殖平易近地Relic 遺址Airbase 空港Boneyard 埋骨所Corporate 集團Outpost 207 207前哨戰Lagoon 瀉湖Rise 突起Smugglers Cove 私運灣Overlook 俯瞰Nexus 中樞Training Ground訓練場

???? 此外,Reddit用戶“no1dead”還在beta客戶端中發明了一些貌似觸及到分屏模式的開發下令:

cl_dumpsplithacks Dump (split s瘋狂百家樂creen workarounds.)GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot (Returns the splitscreen slot assigned to this player (if any))cl_disable_splitscreen_cpu_level_cfgs_in_pip (CPU Levels don’t show in Picture in Picture splitscreen)ss_teleport (Teleport other splitscreen player to my location)ss_mimic (Force user input to this split screen player Split screen users mimic base player’s Controls.)If enabled, use PIP instead of splitscreen. (Only works for 2 players)Two player split screen uses vertical spl百家樂玩法it (do not set this directly, use ss_splitmode instead)Two player split screen mode (0 – recommended settings base on the width, 1 – horizontal, 2 – vertical (only allowed in widescreen)ss_splitmode….ss_enable (Enables Split Screen support.)

???? 無非,后一則新聞泄露后游戲的開發者Respawn事情室幾近是在其推特上立刻予以否定:“弗成能”。

????百家樂預測 《泰坦殞落》預計在本年3月11日上岸PC以及Xbox One,3月25日上岸X360主機。
